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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Dark to Mortal Eyes by Eric Wilson

Dark to Mortal Eyes is a heart stopping, roller-coaster ride, spiritual thriller. This is a story that spans 3 generations, starting with a WWII veteran and his ties to a German chemist, and ends with a young woman finding her faith in God again and her family.

It takes the reader though the dark mind of a German chemist who is intent on destroying the world then, and now. The Professor, as the chemist is now known, hatched a plan that takes 60 years to come to fruition. Josee Walker happens to be the key to this destruction, but will she comply and be the pawn that the Professor wants.

While searching for the parents that gave her up for adoption, Josee is thrown into this battle. She is days from meeting her mother, Kara, only to think that she was abandoned again. Her father wants nothing to do with her, yet due to a twist of fate, joins Josee to search for Kara, and come to terms with his own past.

Dark to Mortal Eyes uses the game of Chess to press the story onward. It is filled with chess strategy, but in no way makes the book a bore. Also filled with spiritual imagery and Biblical Truth, Eric weaves a tale of beauty and grace in the midst of evil.

I will have to say that this book is one of my favorites - and I am an avid reader. My personal book collection numbers in the thousands. This is a new beginning for CBA Fiction and I am very glad to see this change.

God bless,
As the hart panteth after the water brooks,
so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God,
for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?


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